Saturday, 4 May 2013

(Day 4) Calories Burned

(Day 4) Calories Burned

Our day started out with a sleep-in... I'm still not sure how it happened, but we made it to 8:30 this morning! I know what most of you are thinking, but trust me... 8:30 a.m. is a "sleep-in" in our home. Then we had a big breakfast and slapped on the SPF60 before heading out on the river trail. It was beautiful, peaceful, and precious and next thing we knew, we had completed a 9 kilometres (5.6 miles) walk/workout! 

A few things... 
  • Wearing SPF60 was a must! The sun was burning strong and bright!
  • We kept a good pace for having the little man with us. Thankful for our stroller. It was an investment, but totally worth every penny! 
  • I guzzled a ton of water and loved every moment of it!
  • 9 kilometres (5.6 miles) was the longest distance I have done since my 1/2 marathon in 2010. Kind of makes me want to push harder and see how much further I can go. Kind of... 
  • No shin splints! But now my hips are sore. 
  • Working out as a family is waaaaaaaaaaay more fun than working out alone!
Have I mentioned that I love weekends? 'Cause if I haven't, I sure do! Love spending time with our little family. Thank you Jesus for the beautiful day and the opportunity to spend it as a family!


  1. You're a big inspiration!

  2. Wouldn't have wanted today to happen any other way! You're an absolute blessing to my life! I love you.

