Friday 31 May 2013

(Today's Parent) Post-Baby Fitness!

Post-Baby Fitness!

I can't take credit for this blog post. I wish I could, but I can't. I stumbled upon a few articles on Today's Parent and thought I'd share. ツ 

These articles hit home for me. My little guy is 14 months old and I'm actively trying to get my runners body back (a work in progress!). 

GoodLife Fitness Toronto Marathon 2010

Maybe you fit into the post-baby category or maybe you don't. If you're reading this and haven't entered the land of motherhood yet, don't stop reading (unless you really,realy want to, then just stop!). I'm of the belief that fitness is fitness!

Enjoy the read! And again, if you want to check out more articles like these, be sure to check out the Today's Parent website by clicking here.


Trim your post-baby belly!

This article is written by CityLine host Tracy Moore. It talks about how she (finally!) lost the baby weight - and how you can, too.
"My best advice for moms trying to get fit? Ditch the excuses and do anything active consistently. The payoff? Happiness, good health and rocking a bikini on your next family vacation!"  - Tracy Moore
To read the full article, please click here

Still carrying the baby weight?

8 tips to shed pounds and feel your best!
  1. Intention
  2. Emotions
  3. Eat your veggies
  4. Snacking is good
  5. Your schedule doesn’t lie
  6. Treat yourself
  7. Get Moving
  8. It’s all about the attitude 
 To read the full article, please click here.

Losing the baby weight

A few do's and don'ts on the straight goods on postpartum weight loss.

• Schedule your workouts to the point that they become routine for you.
• Take it slowly. Aim to lose four to five pounds a month. Rapid weight loss could affect your milk supply and even your heart. Plus, you may not be able to maintain it.
• Plan ahead. Have healthy, convenient choices on hand.
• If you’re breastfeeding, feed your baby before you work out. You’ll be far more comfortable. Also, layer your bras — anything one can do, two can do better, especially if you’re nursing.
• Eat protein-rich foods at every meal and snack, especially breakfast.
• Write down everything you eat. It’ll keep you accountable.
• Choose foods high in energy density. Foods that weigh more fill you up faster and keep you going longer. (Fifteen grapes will make you much fuller than 15 raisins will.)
• Brush your teeth after you eat. You’re less likely to “cheat” with a fresh mouth.

• Restrict calories too much, especially if you’re nursing. Ask a nutritionist or doctor to help you make changes you can live with.
• Use having a baby as an excuse not to do it.
• Eat past 7 p.m.
• Skip meals. It wreaks havoc with your metabolism and you’ll feel like bingeing later on.

  To read the full article, please click here.

Ab rehab: post-baby ab exercises

Before you do those crunches, read the article here. Oh, and don’t forget to breathe!

During each exercise, inhale through the nose so that the chest opens and expands, breathing into the lower back and sides of the torso. Exhale through the mouth, pulling the abdominal muscles in toward the spine. Relax and breathe normally between sets.

1. Head lift
Lie on the floor on your back, with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross arms across the belly button at the waist, using hands to pull side ribs together toward the centre of the torso. Or, use a scarf to help pull the side ribs in as shown above. Press the lower back to the floor. Inhale. Exhale and lift the chin slowly toward the chest pulling the abs in toward the spine. Shoulders remain on the floor. Inhale and release slowly, head on the floor.

Repetitions: 4–8, several sets a day, working up to 40 repetitions per day.

2. Pelvic tilt
Use the same starting position as the first exercise, with arms pulling the side ribs toward each other. Inhale. Exhale and pull belly toward spine, tilting pelvis forward toward the belly button. Lower back is pressed to the floor. Inhale and release the pelvic tilt to a relaxed spine.

Repetitions: 4–8, several sets a day.

3. Alternating heel slide
Using the same basic position as in the first two exercises, press the lower back to the floor (small pelvic tilt). Inhale. Exhale, sliding right foot forward until leg is straight along the floor. Keep lower back pressed to the floor. Inhale. Exhale and bring leg back in, foot flat on floor. Repeat on other side.

Repetitions: 4–8, alternating sides, several sets a day.

4. Double heel slide
Press lower back to the floor (small pelvic tilt). Inhale. Exhale and slide both feet forward along the floor until legs are bent but close to the floor. Keep lower back pressed to the floor. Inhale and bring legs back in, feet flat on floor and knees bent.

Repetitions: 4–8, several sets a day.

5. Single foot touch
Press lower back to the floor (small pelvic tilt). Lift legs to 90° angle (parallel to the floor). Inhale. Exhale and lower right foot to floor. Inhale and lift foot up to original position. Keep lower back pressed to floor. Repeat with other leg.

Repetitions: 4–8, alternating sides, several sets a day.

Thursday 30 May 2013

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you! #30dayabchallenge

Who's joining me in this next challenge
Let's plan to start June 1st

Want to know the difference between Situps & Crunches? Read the information below via

Situps and crunches are both common exercises performed to work the abdominal muscles. While these exercises are very similar, there are a few small differences that should be taken into account when deciding which exercise is best for your own personal fitness goals.

Situps are performed by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your hands behind your head. Hooking your feet beneath a solid object or having a workout partner secure them to the ground will make this exercise easier to complete. Contract your abdominal muscles and raise your torso off the ground by bending your hips and slightly rounding your back. Continue until your torso is upright and your back is completely off the ground, and then slowly lower back to the floor.

Crunches are similar to the situp but with a much smaller range of motion. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands behind your head. You can also begin with your knees bent and thighs vertical if this is a more comfortable position for you. Contract your abdominal muscles to round your back and lift only your shoulders off the ground while leaving your lower back firmly pressed against the floor. In a controlled manner, lower back to the floor.

Muscles Worked
Both situps and crunches target the rectus abdominis muscle that runs from your sternum to your pelvis. This is the muscle focused on when striving for the "six-pack" look. Along with the rectus abdominis, situps also intensely work the hip flexors and to a lesser extent, the obliques. During the first part of the situp, the abdominal muscles are primarily used, and then after your lower back leaves the floor, the hip flexors are used to complete the movement.

While situps are primarily considered a safe exercise, they may not be appropriate for everyone. The strong use of the hip flexors during situps can make them dangerous for individuals with weak abdominal muscles or a history of low back problems. If you find that situps create a pull or pain in your lower back, opt instead for crunches or half-situps in which your lower back never leaves the floor. These exercises will strengthen your abdominal muscles while protecting and maintaining spine health. Once your abs are stronger, you can begin to introduce complete situps into your workout routine.

Read more:

21 Day Challenge - Food Reset!

Do you ever overindulge when you eat? Maybe just on weekends and/or special occasions? Or perhaps it's something you do more frequently than not. If you do, your food clock might be out of whack! 

My food clock is out of whack! Ugh.

It started with one treat, one time on the weekend. It then turned into overindulging... All... Weekend... Loooooooooooooooooooong! And sometimes it would turn into mid-week indulgences with celebrations for family/friends.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has (or is!) experienced this. 

So what's my solution? A 21 Day Challenge - Food Reset!

From May 29 - June 18 our house has decided to get rid of the junk and chose healthy alternatives! This will detox our bodies (& reset our food clocks!) from the previous unhealthy choices. It will also encourage meal planning 'cause there's no excuses over the next 21 days - so meal planning will be crucial. And bottom line... we will also focus on portion sizes. 

I'm excited about the next 21 days! I need this reset. Now that I'm back at the gym and on the trails, I need to focus on nutrition. Especially if I hope to see any more changes on the scale!

If you're interested in doing a challenge like this, I'd encourage you to research your options. There are many reset/cleanses out there. Select one that works for you so that you have the opportunity to succeed. You could even start small and do a 5 day cleanse/reset.

If you're already doing a reset (cleanse) or have done one in the past, feel free to leave a comment with your experience. I love sharing resources and hearing success stories - so don't be shy!

And remember...

(RECAP) 30 Day Squat Challenge

PASS ✔or FAIL ✘ 

This challenge was the first 30 Day Challenge I had ever attempted. I managed to complete 20/30 days before life unraveled. So that's like 66% or something, right? Which is a PASS ✔ in my books! ツ

What did I ❤ about the challenge? I loved challenging myself to do as many squats in a row, at one time. At first, I would concentrate on reps. But as time progressed, I would attempt to complete the daily challenge in one go. My biggest accomplishment was being able to do 160 squats in a row! I found that as long as I didn't break my concentration (or have a little person begging for my attention!) that I could do it. Yes, it burned! But somehow I was determined enough (I'm a stubborn middle child!) to work through the burn and complete the daily challenge. 

What did I learn about myself during this challenge? I'm a creature of habit. If I don't do something at the exact same time, everyday, then I won't get around to doing it. I used to make a point of doing my squats first thing in the morning (workout or no workout). Without fail (for 20 days!) I would do the required number of squats. It was when I didn't make the conscious effort to complete them in the morning that I got behind and then eventually didn't complete the challenge.

Would you attempt this challenge again? Absolutely. I think challenges like this are both great exercise and discipline. Something we all can use in our lives!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

10 DAYS & #C25K

Do you remember my goals? It's okay if you don't, 'cause shortly after I posted them, LIFE seemed to unravel a bit.

What happened?
  • I plateaued! It felt like no matter how hard I was working, I wasn't seeing the results I wanted.
  • Our little man came down with the worst cold/flu + ear infection he's ever had. He's a healthy boy now, but we ended up rearranging our schedules to keep him home for a week which through off my normal routine.
  • I was tired. #thereisaidit
  • Even though I knew I had 4 days left of my program, I dreaded the thought of jumping on my treadmill.
  • Did I mention that I plateaued? Ugh!   
Why did I plateau? Nutrition. It wasn't my fitness regime, it was and is my nutrition. It started with me grabbing a snack here and there. I knew it was killing my workout, but I heard a little voice inside my head say...  "Oh, it's okay to eat that, you ran this morning". 

Then 10 days went by. 10 days that I didn't lace up my shoes and go for a run. 10 days that I didn't participate in my 30 Day Squat Challenge. 10 days, 10 days, 10 days!

The good news? This past weekend, I got my stride back! 
On Saturday, we had a family outing to our favourite market and picked up a ton of fruits & vegetables!

I ❤ fresh produce! #yum

Then we mixed up one of our green shakes (a.k.a. Super Juice)...

Super Juice! #kale #celery #greenapple #cucumber #freshlysqueezedorangejuice #ginger #flaxseed

And my husband made the best dinner... Ever!

Dinner! #ribs #aspargus #ovenroastedtomatoes #yum

By Sunday, I was itching to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. We took a new route and hydrated along the way as the sun beat down on our faces. It was amazing! It brought me back to the summer we trained for our marathon together. We used to love sweating buckets and talking life.

Sunday on the River Trail! #fitpic #familyfirst

Then Monday happened.

If you ask my husband, super-energized-Mumma was up and at 'em and he was looking for the pause button. I don't know what happened. Perhaps it was the little switch inside my head that said "ENOUGH!" and/or maybe it was the fresh fruit & veggies and blood flowing through my veins. Whatever it was... I wanted more.

10 km before 12 pm? Don't mind if I do! #fitpic #family first

We hopped on the River Trail. It was beautiful. But it was sooooooooooooooooooo stinkin' hot! ☼ We managed to crank out 10 km and felt awesome afterwards (minus the one ginormous hill we had to climb at the end!). We had our legs back!

I looked at the weather report for Tuesday. It wasn't looking good. Thunderstorms. Severe Thunderstorms. ☂☁ But I didn't care. I had week 8 day 3 to complete and I was going to do it. And by "I", I really mean "we" 'cause in our house, we do things together.

I AM OFFICIALLY A #C25K GRADUATE! #fitpic #familyfirst

With that, I am officially a #C25K graduate! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Never thought my 8 week program would get dragged out to 12 weeks, but it did and I managed to gut it out to the finish line.

I couldn't have done it without my husband. Seriously, he's the best! I love that we're teammates 'cause some days he pushes me and others I push him. He never wakes up at 4:45 a.m. with me, but he does keep me accountable and he'll even workout with me in the evening, after his long day + workout.

Also, my beautiful friend, Steph, was full of encouragement when I messaged her about something totally unrelated to my plateau. I grew up with Steph at camp in Ontario, but she now lives on the West Coast and is living a real life dream. She said to me... "Just throw one workout in on the weekend for good measure... It will kick start you! And then next week will feel like groooovy routine." She was right. Thank you, Steph! 
So, there you have it. I'm done #C25K and ready for my next challenge... Which will include being more disciplined nutritionally... But not until I turn 30! ツ

Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 2013 with my little family!
Thank you Jesus for giving me the desire of my heart. (Psalm 37:4) And for giving me the opportunity to train up a child in the way that he should go. (Proverbs 22:6) We give thanks everyday for Your abundant blessings. ❤
The one who calls me "Mumma"! 
13 months old, walking, climbing, and talking! I'm blessed!
Blessed, but he's also the one who wouldn't sit still long enough to have a photo with his Mumma, on Mother's Day!
[Left to Right: my Mumma, me, my Mother-in-Love] 
I'm thankful for these two ladies! I'm thankful to be joining these fine ladies in the journey of motherhood. I'm honoured to have such godly influences to look to for advice and direction. Thank you for the selflessness over the last 30+ years in raising your children and for being the best grandmother's a grandchild could ever wish for. Love you both! ❤

(Day 12) Veggies

(Day 12) Veggies - Okay, I'll be honest... The only veggies I had today were in my green shake this morning. But I did have a (apple) fritter from the Brown Dog and it was AMAZING! 

(Day 20) 30 Day Squat Challenge - REST!

(Day 20) 30 Day Squat Challenge - REST!

(Day 11) Workout Shoes

(Day 11) Workout Shoes

(Day 19) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 160 squats!

(Day 19) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 160 squats!

Friday 10 May 2013

(Day 10) Workout Buddy

(Day 10) Workout Buddy

Not only is he my best friend in the entire world, but he's also the love of my life! I couldn't do life without him. We've had quite the journey together over the past 8 years and I look forward to many more years with him by my side. He pushes me to be a better person in every aspect of my life and he's proof that anyone can transform their body with nutrition and hard work. (see below)

P.s. I hope he doesn't kill me for posting this photo! シ

(Day 18) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 155 squats!

(Day 18) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 155 squats!

(Day 9) Water Bottle

(Day 9) Water Bottle

(Day 17) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 150 squats!

(Day 17) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 150 squats!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

week 7 day 2 #C25K

Sooooooooooooooooooooo close I can taste the completion of my #C25K program, but atlas I still have 1 week 2 days left of it. Ugh! 
Truthfully, this program has been hanging over my head. When I first began, I was diligent and ran 3 days a week. Then by week 4, this little thing called LIFE happened (ie. going back to work, juggling work and home, sickness, soreness, etc). Which has lead me to today... week 7 day 2
So, instead of having this program drag on and on and on and on and on and on and on, let's set some goals and crush them! 
Friday, May 10 - complete week 7 day 3
Monday, May 13 - complete week 8 day 1
Wednesday, May 15 - complete week 8 day 2
Friday, May 17 - complete week 8 day 3
I think it's fair to say that I cannot wait to finish #C25K and start a new training program!

#fitpic #runreal #5amclub #5amwithjesusandmytreadmill
☼ PLAYLIST - Songza

(Day 8) Stretch

(Day 8) Stretch - this is me stretching after 5K this morning! ツ

(Day 16) 30 Day Squat Challenge - REST!

(Day 16) 30 Day Squat Challenge - REST!

(Day 7) Workout of the Day

(Day 7) Workout of the Day 

Saturday 4 May 2013

(Day 4) Calories Burned

(Day 4) Calories Burned

Our day started out with a sleep-in... I'm still not sure how it happened, but we made it to 8:30 this morning! I know what most of you are thinking, but trust me... 8:30 a.m. is a "sleep-in" in our home. Then we had a big breakfast and slapped on the SPF60 before heading out on the river trail. It was beautiful, peaceful, and precious and next thing we knew, we had completed a 9 kilometres (5.6 miles) walk/workout! 

A few things... 
  • Wearing SPF60 was a must! The sun was burning strong and bright!
  • We kept a good pace for having the little man with us. Thankful for our stroller. It was an investment, but totally worth every penny! 
  • I guzzled a ton of water and loved every moment of it!
  • 9 kilometres (5.6 miles) was the longest distance I have done since my 1/2 marathon in 2010. Kind of makes me want to push harder and see how much further I can go. Kind of... 
  • No shin splints! But now my hips are sore. 
  • Working out as a family is waaaaaaaaaaay more fun than working out alone!
Have I mentioned that I love weekends? 'Cause if I haven't, I sure do! Love spending time with our little family. Thank you Jesus for the beautiful day and the opportunity to spend it as a family!

(Day 13) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 130 squats!

(Day 13) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 130 squats!

Friday 3 May 2013

week 7 day 1 #C25K


This morning was an brutal for me! 1) I didn't want to get out of bed when my alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. and as a result I didn't make it to the gym (which is downstairs!) until 5:05 a.m. and 2) Shin splints took over my whole being 5 minutes into my run! Yes, I know I'm being dramatic, but seriously... Where did they come from? I managed to keep going. I dropped the speed down enough to power-walk through the tough parts and jogged when I could. I just kept hearing my sister Kerry say... "Keep going, your legs won't fall off!" She was right! Those darn legs are still attached to my body and now I'm researching recovery for shin splints. 

#fitpic #runreal #5amclub #5amwithjesusandmytreadmill

☼ PLAYLIST - Songza  

How do YOU treat/recover 
from shin splints?  

(Day 3) Game Face

(Day 3) Game Face

(Day 12) 30 Day Squat Challenge - REST!

(Day 12) 30 Day Squat Challenge - REST!

Thursday 2 May 2013

(Day 2) Progress Pic

(Day 2) Progress Pic

It's a beautiful day! ☼

I wouldn't normally make this kind of fashion faux pas, but it was just too beautiful to stay inside.

I'm not a graceful exerciser. Typically, if I do any form of workout I'm drenched afterwards (and no, it can't pass for sparkle!) and who wants to go back to their desk to work the remainder of the day like that? I now keep an extra pair of sneakers at the office (I stole this idea from a co-worker!) and they just sit there until I do something with them. My theory, a short walk is better than no walk.

(Day 11) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 110 squats!

(Day 11) 30 Day Squat Challenge - 110 squats!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

(Day 1) May Goals!

May Fitness Photo Challenge!

 Fitness Photo Challenge? Yes, please!

There's nothing like social media to keep one motivated on the journey of healthy living! And right now I could use more accountability. Why? I'm just 2 weeks away from finishing my #C25K program, I'm a third of the way through the #30daysquatchallenge (my legs are still shaking!), and bottom line... It's good for my overall health to roll out of bed in the wee hours of the morning and get a sweat on!

So... Thank you, for posting the challenge from @commit_to_get_fit on Instagram. I look forward to accepting this challenge and being accountable to all of you who keep tabs on me!
