Thursday 30 May 2013

21 Day Challenge - Food Reset!

Do you ever overindulge when you eat? Maybe just on weekends and/or special occasions? Or perhaps it's something you do more frequently than not. If you do, your food clock might be out of whack! 

My food clock is out of whack! Ugh.

It started with one treat, one time on the weekend. It then turned into overindulging... All... Weekend... Loooooooooooooooooooong! And sometimes it would turn into mid-week indulgences with celebrations for family/friends.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has (or is!) experienced this. 

So what's my solution? A 21 Day Challenge - Food Reset!

From May 29 - June 18 our house has decided to get rid of the junk and chose healthy alternatives! This will detox our bodies (& reset our food clocks!) from the previous unhealthy choices. It will also encourage meal planning 'cause there's no excuses over the next 21 days - so meal planning will be crucial. And bottom line... we will also focus on portion sizes. 

I'm excited about the next 21 days! I need this reset. Now that I'm back at the gym and on the trails, I need to focus on nutrition. Especially if I hope to see any more changes on the scale!

If you're interested in doing a challenge like this, I'd encourage you to research your options. There are many reset/cleanses out there. Select one that works for you so that you have the opportunity to succeed. You could even start small and do a 5 day cleanse/reset.

If you're already doing a reset (cleanse) or have done one in the past, feel free to leave a comment with your experience. I love sharing resources and hearing success stories - so don't be shy!

And remember...

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